Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This sucks!!

Derek told me last night that he was told that he has to attend BNCOC training from the end of January to the end of March. I believe the training is in Virginia. Which will mean that he is to come home in December and then leave a little over a month later, then go to Virginia for two months THEN do a 7 month deployment in Iraq! We were so hoping to have a few months together before he leaves again, but now he will be gone an extra two months.
I truly am thankful that he will be here for Christmas, that is such a blessing. And I know there are so many families that suffer through 15 month deployments, so I should be thankful I dont have to do that, but still 9 months without my Derek?!! It is so hard for the kids with dad gone, especially poor Matthias, I dont know what he will do when dad has to go again.
I just have to keep my faith and trust in God, and believe that this is the best for us.
But I must say "This Sucks!!!"