Friday, November 21, 2008

Back to school

Today I had the priviledge of going back to junior high. Oh yes the joy! I got a call from Jeremy's teacher today saying that he was acting up in class, so I told her I would be right down to surprise him. And surprised he was! He thought I came to pick him up early, but I told him I wanted to speak to him outside. then he knew he was in trouble. So I talked to him about how he should behave and be respectful to people in authority. The teacher came out and told me that I could stay in class, Jeremy liked that idea, and I went into class to sit next to him. His friends thought it was hilarious. But Jeremy actually seemed to like the fact that I was there. Well I have to admit that the class was poorly taught, and the teacher had no control. She was a substitute, and basically left the kids on their own. I must say the kids really did get obnoxious, but it was obvious they needed more structure and guidance, and I think they would have been more respectful. I was close to the point of standing up and teaching the class.
Jeremy wanted me to go to his next class, which was science. This teacher was much better. The kids responded to her and listened to her. It was interesting to sit in class and be an observer.
Wow I dont envy middle school teachers at all. I wouldnt survive a week I dont think. I went to a private school so maybe I was a little secluded, but my goodness the kids are so obnoxious, I dont know how many swear words I heard, and how many inappropriate comments. You really have to have a thick skin to get through that. I am thankful to be done with that, I dont know if I could handle that!!