Sunday, October 2, 2011

Baby Food

The other day I decided to make some baby food for Zachary. I had some extra veggies so I thought I would use them to make him some homemade food. After I was done I thought to myself  "Wow, look at me- just like the pioneer women." I then laughed at how silly that comment was. How I made the baby food:

1. Cut up veggies and put them into microwave safe bowl

2. Steam veggies in Microwave

3. Use emulsion blender to make veggies the correct consistency.

4. Pack veggies into baby size containers and store in refrigerator for later uses.

I don't really think that is quite how the pioneer women prepared food for their little ones. I must say, I am quite spoiled with modern conveniences. Poor Zachary would have found a taste for bark, if it was left up to me to grow our own produce.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Craigslist Ad

I thought this was Hilarious!!!!

Yoga mat for sale. Used once. - $1 (Bellevue)

Date: 2011-09-13, 10:32PM PDT
Reply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]

Yoga mat for sale. Used once at lunch hour class in December 2009. Usage timeline as follows:

Register for hot yoga class. Infinite wisdom tells me to commit to 5 class package and purchase a yoga mat. I pay $89.74. Money well spent, I smugly confirm to myself.

Open door to yoga room. A gush of hot dry air rushes through and past me. It smells of breath, sweat and hot. Take spot on floor in back of room next to cute blonde. We will date.

I feel the need to be as near to naked as possible. This is a problem because of the hot blonde to my left and our pending courtship. She will not be pleased to learn that I need to lose 30 pounds before I propose to her.

The shirt and sweats have to come off. I throw caution to the wind and decide to rely on my wit and conditioning to overcome any weight issues my fiancée may take issue with. This will take a lot of wit and conditioning.

Begin small talk with my bride to be. She pretends to ignore me but I know how she can be. I allow her to concentrate and stare straight ahead and continue to pretend that I don't exist. As we finish sharing our special moment, I am suddenly aware of a sweat moustache that has formed below my nose. This must be from the all the whispering between us.

Instructor enters the room and ascends her special podium at the front of the room. She is a slight, agitated Chinese woman. She introduces me to the class and everyone turns around to greet me just as I decide to aggressively adjust my penis and testes packed in my Under Armor. My bride is notably unfazed.

Since I do have experience with Hot Yoga (4 sessions just 5 short years ago) I fully consider that I may be so outstanding and skilled that my instructor may call me out and ask me to guide the class. My wife will look on with a sparkle in her eye. We will make love after class.

It is now up to 95 degrees in the room. We have been practicing deep breathing exercises for the last 8 minutes. This would not be a problem if we were all breathing actual, you know, oxygen. Instead, we are breathing each other's body odor, expelled carbon dioxide and other unmentionables. (Don't worry, I'll mention them later.)

It is now 100 degrees and I take notice of the humidity, which is hovering at about 90%. I feel the familiar adorning stare of my bride and decide to look back at her. She appears to be nauseated. I then realize that I forgot to brush my teeth prior to attending this class. We bond.

It is now 110 degrees and 95% humidity. I am now balancing on one leg with the other leg crossed over the other. My arms are intertwined and I am squatting. The last time I was in this position was 44 years ago in the womb, but I'm in this for the long haul. My wife looks slightly weathered dripping sweat and her eyeliner is streaming down her face. Well, "for better or worse" is what we committed to so we press on.

The overweight Hispanic man two spots over has sweat running down his legs. At least I think its sweat. He is holding every position and has not had a sip of water since we walked in. He is making me look bad and I hate him.

I consider that if anyone in this room farted that we would all certainly perish.

It is now 140 degrees and 100% humidity. I am covered from head to toe in sweat. There is not a square millimeter on my body that is not slippery and sweaty. I am so slimy that I feel like a sea lion or a maybe sea eel. Not even a bear trap could hold me. The sweat is stinging my eyeballs and I can no longer see.

This room stinks of asparagus, cloves, tuna and tacos. There is no food in the room. I realize that this is an amalgamation of the body odors of 30 people in a 140 degree room for the last 55 minutes. Seriously, enough with the asparagus, ok?

140 degrees and 130% humidity. Look, bitch, I need my space here so don't get all pissy with me if I accidentally sprayed you with sweat as I flipped over. Seriously, is that where this relationship is going? Get over yourself. We need counseling and she needs to be medicated. Stat!

150 degrees and cloudy. And hot. I can no longer move my limbs on my own. I have given up on attempting any of the commands this Chinese chick is yelling out at us. I will lay sedentary until the aid unit arrives. I will buy this building and then have it destroyed.
I lose consciousness.

I have a headache and my wife is being a selfish bitch. I can't really breathe. All I can think about is holding a cup worth of hot sand in my mouth. I cannot remember what an ice cube is and cannot remember what snow looks like. I consider that my only escape might be a crab walk across 15 bodies and then out of the room. I am paralyzed, and may never walk again so the whole crab walk thing is pretty much out.

I cannot move at all and cannot reach my water. Is breathing voluntary or involuntary? If it's voluntary, I am screwed. I stopped participating in the class 20 minutes ago. Hey, lady! I paid for this frickin class, ok?! You work for me! Stop yelling at everyone and just tell us a story or something. It's like juice and cracker time, ok?

It is now 165 degrees and moisture is dripping from the ceiling. The towel that I am laying on is no longer providing any wicking or drying properties. It is actually placing additional sweat on me as I touch it. My towel reeks. I cannot identify the smell but no way can it be from me. Did someone spray some stank on my towel or something?

Torture session is over. I wish hateful things upon the instructor. She graciously allows us to stay and 'cool down' in the room. It is 175 degrees. Who cools down in 175 degrees? A Komodo Dragon? My wife has left the room. Probably to throw up.

My opportunity to escape has arrived. I roll over to my stomach and press up to my knees. It is warmer as I rise up from ground level - probably by 15 degrees. So let's conservatively say it's 190. I muster my final energy and slowly rise. One foot in front of the other. One foot in front of the other. Towards the door. Towards the door.

The temperature in the lobby is 72 degrees. Both nipples stiffen to diamond strength and my penis begins to retract into my abdomen from the 100 degree temp swing. I can once again breathe though so I am pleased. I spot my future ex wife in the lobby. We had such a good thing going but I know that no measure of counseling will be able to unravel the day's turmoil and mental scaring.

Arrive at Emerald City Smoothie and proceed to order a 32 oz beverage. 402 calories, 0 fat and 14 grams of protein -- effectively negating any caloric burn or benefit from the last 90 minutes. I finish it in 3 minutes and spend the next 2 hours writing this memoir.

Create Craigslist ad while burning final 2 grams of protein from Smoothie and before the "shakes" consume my body.

Note to self - check car for missing wet yoga towel in am. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A note

The other day my kids were being such turds - I know it is hard to imagine from those angels. It was one of those days that I just threw my hands in the air and said "That's it, I am done." That evening I had a meeting to go to and was quite relieved to be able to leave the house. When I returned home I had this note on the door from my Sarah, I thought it was very sweet........

Thank you for trusting me to watch Zachary...and the kids.I feel more responible now. I cleaned up abit and Matthias,Jojo and Laurelin helped....
Hopefully tomorrow is a good day and hopefully we all will have a good school day! I will try to have a good attitude! I love you Mom! 
Love, Sarah!
p.s Im laying with Zachary! I didn't want to leave him alone.
Love you lots, love you a whole bunch

I guess I will keep her around. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Remembered

This was the speech that George W. Bush gave that evening after the attack on 9-11-01.

Good evening.

Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts. The victims were in airplanes or in their offices: secretaries, business men and women, military and federal workers, moms and dads, friends and neighbors. Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror. The pictures of airplanes flying into buildings, fires burning, huge -- huge structures collapsing have filled us with disbelief, terrible sadness, and a quiet, unyielding anger. These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed. Our country is strong.

A great people has been moved to defend a great nation. Terrorist attacks can shake the foundations of our biggest buildings, but they cannot touch the foundation of America. These acts shatter steel, but they cannot dent the steel of American resolve. America was targeted for attack because we're the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world. And no one will keep that light from shining. Today, our nation saw evil -- the very worst of human nature -- and we responded with the best of America. With the daring of our rescue workers, with the caring for strangers and neighbors who came to give blood and help in any way they could.
Tonight, I ask for your prayers for all those who grieve, for the children whose worlds have been shattered, for all whose sense of safety and security has been threatened. And I pray they will be comforted by a Power greater than any of us, spoken through the ages in Psalm 23:
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil for you are with me.
This is a day when all Americans from every walk of life unite in our resolve for justice and peace. America has stood down enemies before, and we will do so this time. None of us will ever forget this day, yet we go forward to defend freedom and all that is good and just in our world.

Thank you. Good night. And God bless America.

Thinking of all the soldiers that have gone on to protect our freedom over these past ten years. Amazing the changes that this one day made.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Well changes are brewing over here in the Ganley house. We recently found out that Derek made Warrant Officer (Go Derek!). Which means we will be experiencing some big changes in the next couple of years. The first of which, we will finally be moving off this rock! Yeah! Although I must say I am very saddened with the thought of saying good bye to the friends we have made here. Secondly, we will be moving to Fort Leonard Wood Missouri come December. I know, I know... moving in winter, aahhh!!! I am looking forward to actual cold weather, and honestly I can't complain since we will most likely be living there for only a year. Third, we might actually get to visit family in December! Has been awhile since we have been to Washington, looking forward to seeing everyone again. Last, we will be driving from Washington down to Missouri, as a family vacation/ picking up Derek's car. Excited/nervous about driving down there in winter. I have always been terrified of driving in snow.  So I have already started praying for an unusually warm winter. Sorry for anyone that is wanting otherwise. Busy months ahead for us!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Three Years

I realized the other day, that we have been stationed on this island for THREE years! That is actually a record for our family. There are a few things I have learned in the three years that we have been here.......

  1. The Hawaiian vacation is VERY different then the Hawaiian living.
  2. You can have children happy to attend school every year, until they enter a Hawaiian school.
  3. You can never say never to homeschooling.
  4. It is possible for people to blast their music from 10pm-7am every single weekend.
  5. MP's are all for show
  6. You can hear a cockroach from another room climbing on the walls.
  7. Cockroaches eat their own poop
  8. You can have a group of people wanting to be spiritually fed and a Pastor not wanting to do it.
  9. A pastor can lie to you.
  10. You can attend a church for six months, and still noone knows your name
  11. Your kids can be bullied at church
  12. You can be the only white person in a crowded restaurant.
  13. Japanese women love JoJo
  14. Laurelin is a very hard name for Asian people to say.
  15. The Army can take out money from your checking account when they think they are owed it.
  16. The Army can also never pay you back the amount of money that you are owed
  17. A 1st Sgt. could care less about a soldier's family, and never actually help you.
  18. You can make an amazing friend Selling Avon
  19. Fun Fridays take on a whole new meaning with a great group of friends
  20. Jello shots make people very silly
  21. Some people vomit when you pretend to mix beer and whiskey
  22. God is the most amazing designer of this creation
  23. I will always miss Hawaiian beaches
  24. Waikiki is so much fun to spend an evening.
  25. I enjoy staying at a 4 star hotel
  26. You can go to the beach at Christmas.
  27. It is possible to wear shorts on almost every day of the year.
  28. Sometimes it is nice to be sitting in the middle of the ocean and missing all the drama on the mainland.
  29. Derek can come home and tell me he is leaving in 4 hours.
  30. My children still cry when their daddy leaves.
  31. A doctor can tell you that you have to live with the pain, unless you cry and demand more tests. 
  32. You can spend $5 for a gallon of milk
  33. Spam burgers are actually pretty good.
  34. Li Hing seasoning is amazing on Pineapple
  35. You can actually like people in the FRG
  36. Too many people have WAY too much time on their hands
  37. People will leave their kids with you for hours and hours at a time, and not care
  38. It is possible to have 16 kids in your house at once
  39. Bathing suits can be considered clothes for the day
  40. I have learned many lessons while being here, and can say that I will look back on this time with joy and laughter.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Easter Lapbook

I posted awhile back on facebook about doing a Resurrection Egg lapbook for homeschooling. I kept meaning to take pictures to show people what it was all about, but I forgot. While I was cleaning up the homeschool room and going through all the papers, I found them, and decided to take pictures for all of you to see. I loved this project, and I think we learned more this year about the final week of Jesus' life then I have ever learned before. I especially loved the fact that after we finished this project we went to Mililani Baptist for their Good Friday experience, and you walked through the different rooms experiencing what Jesus went through. The kids kept saying "hey, we learned that. We did that egg!"

Here is the cover to Matthias' folder. I glued two file folders together.
We did an egg each day of school. Each egg represented something from Jesus' final days.
The kids cut out the egg, and the scripture and picture that went along with the egg.
Here the eggs are opened up, and you can see the verse and picture. There was also a little lesson that I read each day about the item.
Better look at all the eggs. This was our first lapbook experience. We all loved it!
  This next school year we are planning on doing more. I found this lapbook at
I believe this cost no more then $3. You order the item and then download it right to your computer, so you can make as many copies as you would like.
In fact that is my new favorite website! A lot of our curriculum we will be using next year came from there.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Ten Years

Derek and I just celebrated our ten year anniversary yesterday. Ten years! I can't believe it has been that long, and on the other hand it seems like a lifetime ago. Looking back on where we were ten years ago, and where we are now- it is pretty amazing..... In those ten years we have........

Adopted three girls
given birth to four children
gone through three Iraq deployments
lived in Oklahoma
lived in Virginia
moved back to Washington
bought a house
dealt with the loss of my brother
moved to Hawaii

All within ten years. I am excited to see what the next ten years will be like, hopefully a little more calm then the first ten, but I doubt it! We are the family that we are today because ten years ago we made a commitment to each other and to God. All blessings have come from Him. Here's to ten more!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

I am baby

I am baby hear me roar!!!
I was able to sneak a video of Zachary talking like crazy. 
As you can tell he doesn't talk as much as screech.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The word "sat"

JoJo has finally mastered his letter knowledge and I have started to get him into being able to recognize simple words. I decided that the words that end in "at" would be a good place to start. So I made up some little cards for him with all the words that end in "at". He just needed to figure out the beginning sounds. He was very excited to be given his cards to practice and we sat down to go through the words one by one. I tried explaining how each word rhymed and he just had to put the first sounds together. I guess this really did not make sense for him because after going through the list of words twice, he still seemed confused. Here is an example.....
I hold up the word "sat"
me: "What word is this?"
JoJo: sssssssssssssss
me: "now add 'at' to the end"
JoJo: " bat"
me: "No, it starts with the 's' sounds
JoJo : "snake"
me : "No silly!"
JoJo : " rug, kite, chair"
me: "come on JoJo, you know this!"
JoJo " rat, fat, hat"
me : "NO! It is sat! with an 'S'!!
JoJo: "Oh"

I am sure I just sprouted a gray hair after that encounter.

Friday, April 8, 2011


I know the talk everywhere right now is on the government shutdown and how this will effect the military families. I am very thankful that we will be able to ride the storm through for awhile, with little effect on our family. (Thank you tax return) I know for many families this will be a very stressful time and financially very difficult. I want to let anyone know that if they need help with their family, please let me know. I would be more then happy to supply a meal, or a bag of groceries. I don't want anyone to feel that they have to go without during this time. I know most people are thinking "but you have so many people already!" And that is true, we are by far the largest family I know of around here, but God's blessings have poured down on us, and I feel that because God has blessed us, we are responsible to bless others. As people around us are having hard times, we should be able to open our hearts and our homes and enjoy one another and be able to get through this together. I would hope that if the shoe was on the other foot, people would reach out to us.
Last year we went through a similar circumstances in our family, with the military taking out half our pay for a few months, and it was a struggle to say the least! God brought us through that, and I am such a stronger person then I was before, I always feared losing money and not making ends meet. I learned that God will provide, He is all powerful and all controlling. I think at times like these we need to really see what is important in our lives and what we can truly live without. I for one, realized that no matter what- donuts need to be on hand. :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hard Day

You know you had a hard day when you can fall asleep standing up.

Poor Laurelin was so tired after her day of playing, that she fell asleep leaning against the ottoman.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Diaper Changes

I have never had a problem changing diapers. I was a pro by the time my first one was born, since I took care of my brother for years. I have bought countless packages of diapers over the years. (Don't even want to imagine how many). I never even considered other options besides the packaged kind. I have learned what brands work for my kids, and what ones leak horribly. With Zachary, I stocked up on my favorite brands, and was ready to begin the diaper show again. For some reason I started thinking about alternatives. I have no idea why, maybe I felt bad about my contribution to the landfills,or the huge bill I paid the last time I went to Babies R Us to buy diapers in bulk. I don't know, but I started looking into the possibility of cloth diapers. (gasp!) When I think of cloth diapers I think of those diapers that were just a piece of cloth held together by safety pins, and covered with a plastic cover. Totally unappealing. I know that poor Zachary and I would be poked and stabbed constantly with those pins. I happened to come across a lady selling some cloth diapers, and I was really impressed with the quality and ease of the diapers.They had a cloth insert, and were covered in a nice soft water proof material, in different colors. (And yes, they were new!) I bought a couple for Zachary, and one for Laurelin since she uses a pull up at night still. First off, I liked how soft they were on the inside, and how easy they were to adjust to the correct size for Zachary and the size for Laurelin. Laurelin was very excited to try it since I was able to buy her one with a pretty flower print. I must say that the cloth diaper is much bulkier then the disposable kind. It did fit very nice around the legs and waist.  When I changed Zachary, he felt nice and dry, and his skin was not red. I put the diaper in the wash machine and just washed it with our other clothes. In the morning, Laurelin was very proud of not peeing in her new diaper, and pulled it off and put it in the washing machine. Now came the next challenge of a poopie diaper. Being that he is breast fed, he doesn't make that big of a mess. It was very contained inside the diaper, better it seemed then a disposable diaper in fact. My one complaint was, what do I do with the wipe? I just put it in the garbage, but I think I would have to come with a better way of dealing with those. I took the diaper to the washing machine and sprayed it with spot remover, and threw it in the washing machine. It came out nice and clean. I think I am a convert! Although Derek is not completely sold on the idea, and won't change Zachary with those on. I know if given a chance he will come around. Next will be finding some diapers on sale and stocking up on extra cloth ones. I guess I can walk proudly to the Earth Day festivities knowing I am doing my part. :) Well at least for part of my days.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


The other day my mother-in-law were talking about how Suri Cruise was still using a binky, and wondering why everyone else was talking about the same thing! When she mentioned that it looked like she had a fancy binky in her mouth. It got me thinking, are their upscale binkies that my babies have not used? It was time to Google! Upon searching I came across a thing called a "Wubbanub". They are cute little animals that hook to the end of a binky and allow the baby to suck on the binky without it slipping out of the mouth. Zachary loves to spit out his binky and then grunt that he no longer has his binky; doing so about 10 times a night at least, so I figured I would give it a try. Besides I needed a fancy binky for my baby too. :) I ordered the giraffe one, and received it last week, not only is it cute, it works! Zachary has been sleeping much more comfortably at night now and he looks so gosh darn cute using it too.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Singing in the Rain

The other morning I went to the grocery store with Zachary; leaving Derek to take care of the rest of the kids. While I was out, it started to pour down rain and drenched Zachary and I as we headed into the store. On the way home it was still raining hard, as I pulled into our cul-de-sac; I was surprised to see children outside playing, and thought to myself "who would let their kids play outside in this weather?!" Upon closer inspection I saw that they were in fact MY children!! They come running up to me, soaked. When I ask them why they were playing outside in the rain- the response... "Dad said we could!" Of course he did. So I had the joy of herding the kids inside, where muddy footprints filled my carpet, and stripped them naked and sent them to the shower. When I asked Derek why he let them play outside, he said " I always played outside in the rain when I was a kid, they were fine." Oh they were fine, but mom cleaning up the mess and doing the laundry was not fine. Why is it that mom always suffers the consequences? Next time , I will just turn the van around and hit the local frozen yogurt shop instead. At least that way I can come home with a treat in my belly.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Saying and doing

Lately I have been thinking about being more, to more people. I feel like I am stuck in a rut of superficiality. Maybe it is the whole facebook world, where you can feel like you are having a close relationship with someone via computers, and not feel like anything else is necessary. I want to get past that. I want face to face conversations. Maybe because I spend a majority of my life in my house with my kids, and crave grown up conversations.
I feel like I have become the person "let's get together sometime." Which I completely mean when I say, but never actually follow up on it, and I feel bad. This past week a guy from Derek's unit passed away suddenly. I had just talked to him a few weeks back about getting together for a barbecue, now that time has passed. How I wish we could have had that barbecue. And it made me realize I have so many people in my life that I rarely see or chat with only via facebook. A majority of them, happen to live thousands of miles away, but still I don't connect with them on any deeper level then a recent status updates. The friends who live around me, some of them I haven't seen in months, and we live within a few miles. I know that "life" gets in the way, but what is life? I mean what are we doing that makes us too busy to visit with people we care about?  When I say we, I mean me. I know people always say "you have so many kids, you are so busy" Which I guess is true, homeschooling sucks most of my time during the day,and kids' activities fill up more time, but honestly I have plenty of time to spend with people I care about if I tried.
I write this to inform my friends that if I have ever said "let's get together sometime", and I never did, let me know! Give me a day and time and I will be there. Hold me to it. I honestly want to be with you and spend time with you.
I want to look back and say "remember when..." not " I wish we got to spend more time together....."

And Jeremy Elmont, I expect a game night with some yummy barbecue when I get to heaven. :)

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Olympic Peninsula

I had a dream the other night that I was at the Olympic National Forest visiting some of the places that Derek and I had gone on our honeymoon. I woke up with an ache in my heart for pine trees, ferns, crisp mountain air, and yes even the gray overcast days. It got me thinking about the fact that in less then two months Derek and I will have been married for TEN years. I am not surprised of course that we made it to ten years, just how far we have come in ten years. When we said "I do", we were young and naive. We had not experienced much in life yet, but we knew we were meant to spend the rest of our lives together. Now I am sitting here in my house in Hawaii watching my seven children play.What a decade it has been! I love my Derek now more then ever. He is my rock and comfort. I am blessed beyond belief to have seven children that are still happy to call me mom. (at least most of the time.) I can't wait to see what the next ten years have in store for us. More duty stations? More children? Only God knows, and we will faithfully follow Him to the end.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

One of those days

Had one of those days today where you just decide to throw in the towel. Which I did at about 10am. I decided to call a mom day. Yes, I can have one once in awhile can't I? Sometimes trying to balance being a mom and being a teacher can be difficult. There are times where I can be yelling at the kids for not doing their chores, and walk into the homeschool room with a smile on my face and pretend I am seeing them for the first time that day. I have told the kids that I will do my best to separate home mom with school mom. I know that as kids it can be difficult to see your mom all day everyday, and not get a break from being in trouble. So I really do try to respect that, and if they don't do well in school that day then it won't affect them at home later. If they do bad on a test, or didn't do their homework. I try to give out school related punishments like write sentences, or clean up the homeschool room. And when school is over if they get in trouble, I deal with it like a regular mom at home and either send them to bed or early or they can't play outside. But on some days, everything just mixes up and I need a break from both worlds. So as I laid in bed and filled my brain with mindless reality programming I got the guilt of being a bad mom and a bad teacher. After calming down I go out to check on the kids, thinking that they might feel bad that their poor mom was having a breakdown. Oh I felt their suffering... "Mom, can we play video games?" "Mom, can we have a snack?" I turned around and went back to bed. I can live with guilt.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I am usually proud of the fact that I can catch my kids doing things that they aren't supposed to. I feel like I am preventing them from thinking they can get away with things on my watch. (I know I am delusional to think I have a clue what my kids are doing most of the time, but bear with me.) So as I was leaving Derek's work with all the kids in the back, I saw the guilty look on two of my kids' faces.(who shall remain nameless) I asked them what they were up to, and I spotted candy in one of their hands. I knew that I had not bought them candy today, or any day lately for that matter;so I asked them where they got the candy. The reply "from the van seat". My response "You just picked that out of the van seat?!" "yeah". Now let me tell you about our van...... We have had it for six years now, holds 12 people. 15 kids if we pack them in. Has seen it's fair share of dirt, sand, candy, spills, stains, tears, blood etc. In no way can I say that van is clean, it is maintained to the point of not having animals nest in it. So to find out that two of my children actually thought that they should DIG candy out from the van seats, well that made me a little sick. I had to point out that they ate the candy where people sit, so they were in fact eating "butt candy" Got some laughs for that comment.Seriously, where would a child get the idea? I mean maybe if they were hungry, but I had just bought them lunch. Which also annoyed me that I could have just let them scrounge around for leftovers in the van instead of spending money for lunch. I told them that for dinner they can dig around on the dining room chairs for their meals.Ugh!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Let's try this again

Well I just looked at my blog, and I am shocked by how long it has been since I last blogged! Well that is sad to say the least. Let me see if I can try this blog thing again. I do enjoy writing down the things in my life, I have missed my ramblings. Let me catch up on the best thing that has happened since my last blog........

My baby boy Zachary Isaac
He was born on January 20,2011. What a joy he is to our family. After much debate over when he was going to be born, and how he needs to be born. He was delivered so easily at 41 weeks and 1 day. He is my biggest baby by far weighing in at 8 lbs. 15.2 oz. We are so thankful that God has blessed us with another child. Can't wait to see how God will use him.