Friday, January 8, 2010

One of those days.....

Here is a day in the life of a mom with six kids.....

Sat down on the couch this morning to take a couple minute break, only to discover that someone peed on the couch, when mentioned to the children about the couch being wet, I get the response "yeah, Laurelin peed on it". Thanks for letting mom know.
Had to go dig out my little green cleaning machine because now that the pee was set in, the couch had to be deep cleaned, when I went to the room to pull out my cleaner, I found a pile of toys and garbage that my child who is in charge of cleaning that room has been piling everything, so once I yanked out all the dolls and stuffed animals and found my cleaning machine, I saw that the machine was dirty and I had to take it outside to clean. When I pulled the cleaning compartment out, all the nasty gook came out and ended up all down my legs and feet, thank goodness I was outside when this happened. After swearing at the machine a few times for being a poorly made machine that does not allow you to clean it out very well, it was time to actually clean the couch.
I was proud of myself for getting the cushion all cleaned up, and decided to clean my rug off as well, as I was really scrubbing it, I looked over and saw that all the dirty water that was supposed to pour into the compartment, was actually pouring all over my floor!! Off to get rags to clean that mess up. At this point I think the house is actually more dirty then when I started, and once again I am realizing that cleaning this house is a waste of my time and sanity, and decide to store everything away, and just take out the can of "Oust" and start spraying everything down.
If anyone thinks "wow Jennifer has it all together" I laugh in your face, I absolutely dont, but my house does smell fresh!!