Friday, February 6, 2009

Wouldn't ya know it?

Well of course it would happen, I will be leaving for Virginia tonight for the next few days- my first trip by myself since having kids. And wouldnt ya know it- my three little ones are sitting on the couch sick!!!! Why oh Lord WHY??!!! I was already trying not to panic about leaving my babies in the middle of the ocean, but then to leave them sick, oh dear. :( Let me clarify the sickness, Matthias has a really bad chest cold, Laurelin has a cough, and Josiah has a small fever with a cough. I know it is not life threatening, but still, I will be close to 5,000 miles away!! So I am sitting here, freaking out, thinking the worst, when in truth by tomorrow they will be playing and having a great time, while I am panicing on the plane to Washington DC. Children, I swear they are doing this to me on purpose. :)


csvan said...

Girl, quit complaining, you get to ESCAPE!!!!