" I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made......"
(Psalm 139:14)
I think God was trying to tell me something over the past few days in regards to this verse. I had it for my daily devotional AND for the verse of the day on my calendar. I am always comforted by this verse with the thought that I was specially made by God, or I think about how my children were specially made, or even my loved ones. But one thing jumped out at me yesterday; God makes EVERYONE that way. I stopped to think about that, wouldnt that also mean Iraqis, child abusers, even Hitler?
Derek and I have been arguing with the point that Muslims are human, just lost souls. Derek has seen horrible things, things I dont even like to think about in regards to Iraqis. He has very negative feelings toward them, which i am sure i would feel if I saw what he saw, but I realized that they were wonderfully and fearfully made just like me. God created them specially.
Then it got me to think, what makes them so different than me? If we had switched places at birth, would I be the same person I am today, and the other person be the same? What makes us- us? Our environment, our culture,etc..
I think as Americans we get a self-righteous attitude that we are better than other people, or religions. But let's be honest for a moment, would we still be a Christian if it was not talked about openly around here? Would we still call Jesus Lord if we could be killed for it? Would we still say we are christians, if it meant we have to leave everything we know behind? Would you go to church if you might be killed in the process? Hmmmm... I dont know if I could say Yes to that. When you think about their environment like that, as lost souls, could we really be so different?
We live in a country founded on Christianity, we have churches on most street corners, we have bibles lining the shelves. Take that all away; would we still follow Jesus? Or would we find a cult to worship and do horrible things because that is what we were taught and told to do?
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