Friday, March 26, 2010

Commissary etiquette

Okay I have a problem that I have to get off my chest, and this is directed at anyone that uses the Military grocery store (anyone) called the Commissary. I understand that the Commissary works a bit different then a regular grocery store, but the same principle still applies, when a lane is open you move to the next one. Rather simple I think, but for some people they seem completely baffled when they get to the head of the line and can't figure out where they should go next, although they are looking at lanes that are pretty much empty, they will still stand and look and wait, until the magical little machine lights up with the number and tells them "next customer in line please". Now let me tell you, you don't have to wait for the machine! You are free to move forward at any time, and not cause a huge back up of people behind you wanting to get in and out as quickly as possible. Try it the next time you shop, no one will rush out from a check out line to tell you to go back, the cashier will be happy that you were able to do this all by yourself without them stopping to push the button for you, and the baggers will be happy that you were able to move it along faster for their tip. (Don't get me started on that). I know for new people it is confusing and strange how the commissary works, but I just needed to clear this up so the next time you are standing in line, you won't look behind you and see me staring at you gesturing you to move (For the love of God move!!!). And just for the record I have not seen any of my friends actually do this, because if I had, I would have yelled at you from the back of the line "HI! Nice to see you, now move it!!" No just kidding I wouldn't, but I would think it. :D