Well we did it; we finished the school year.... in August.
And what a limp to the finish line it was!
This school year I realized one thing.....these kids were not ready to be sent out into the real world as adults. They were fine academically, but behaviorally- nope not there. At that moment priorities shifted. What good were straight A's if they could not have healthy relationships? Don't get me wrong, I don't expect my children to leave the house as grown ups with halos on their heads (although that would be nice. :)) but I am not that silly to set those unrealistic goals on them or on myself. Too many adults have no concept on how to have compassion towards others. Also so many people have no idea how to have a healthy relationship especially when it comes to dating and even as a parent. I didn't want to add to this growing problem, I want children that can be respectful towards others, works hard, has a healthy pride and can keep cool under pressure. Most importantly, valued honesty and integrity. And had a strong desire to follow God.
One major change in our lives.. that had to start with me understanding the importance of this.... Honoring your mother and father. I had gotten to the point where I was yelled at, intimidated, threatened on almost a daily basis.... by my children. And sadly I felt I deserved it. I felt that I had done my kids wrong ( I was reminded of this daily). Once I saw how my children behaved out of my sight though and I realized it was not me; it was them. It was time to change things. It was time to teach my kids the way that God told them to behave, and that was the first one. I was told to teach them His ways, but clearly I wasn't. They didn't have to agree with me, they didn't have to like me, but they did have to show me respect. I deserved it, that was hard to realize at first, but if they couldn't respect me, they wouldn't be able to respect anyone.
The new changes did not go over well.... to say the least. For some kids it was no big deal, they were already doing that, for others....well that created a bigger struggle.
It is very hard to teach children when you have spent hours in a battle with a child who doesn't want to do what they are asked to do. Or to teach a child that is sending death glares your way. Or teach a child that talks bad about you behind your back when you leave the table. It was emotionally draining.
I did learn some different approaches to teaching though. Some days it was just nice to play some educational board games. Netflix has awesome documentary DVDs that offer great discussions with your kids. And honestly some days I just wanted to curl up in a ball and watch a cute movie with your kids.
This next school year I hope things go differently... I pray they go differently. I pray for a school year of peace and harmony. A school year with a teacher excited to teach, and children excited to learn.
This next school year I pray for more chocolate.... and more wine.