Thursday, August 8, 2013


I have been trying to write this blog post for awhile, but have really been struggling with how exactly to express myself in a way that can truly represent how I feel. I have decided that although it may be clumsy and not very articulate, I felt it was time to say what has been on my heart.
I try very hard to be honest with people I know. I try not to sugar coat my life. I hate pretending that everything is fine, when really it is not. On the other hand I try to protect our privacy and realize that not everyone can be kind and compassionate when it comes to other people's struggles.
I know many people who know us well, know we have had some very hard behavioral struggles primarily with one of our girls. It has been an up and down roller coaster effecting our family dynamics for quite awhile. I love her to pieces, but the behavior I hate. I see such amazing potential, but sadly there is a lot that stands in the way for her to achieve that.
When Derek is home it is bearable. When he is away, it is like torture to make it through some days. This deployment has been hell. The fact that I am still able to be somewhat sane is because I have had to sob to God many times. Also because amazing friends near me who check on me regularly to make sure I am doing okay.
A few months into the deployment we hit a real low, and I didn't know how I could go on much longer. I had to confess to Derek that I was done, and something needed to change. I prayed that God would show me the path we needed to take because I could not do anymore. God brought someone to my mind, someone I honestly did not really know. Someone I talked to briefly maybe two times, but as strange as it seemed God told me to reach out to her. I sent her a message that morning, briefly telling her what was going on and that I didn't know what else to do. I just needed a break, just a few days to breathe again and to enjoy my other children for a change. She replied back within the hour and said "bring her here, we will take her for as long as you need." She didn't know me or my family, but she did it anyways.
She took my child for 3 weeks. I decompressed and I started to heal. Then I was told I had to change my ways. No longer could I let things go on as they were, I had to stand up for myself, I had to take back my life and our family. It has been hard; I am becoming the parent I have to be, even if it goes against my natural tendencies.
Every time there is a struggle or a blow up, she is there. Anytime night or day. She encourages and even tells me what I am doing wrong.... in the nicest way possible.:) Even more amazing.... she requests to take my daughter back for awhile if she thinks it will help.
As another child adds to the struggles and stresses, once again she has stepped in and said "no more, bring them here." I cried with appreciation.
I can't thank this woman....quite frankly the whole family..... enough for everything they have done. They have changed me. They have changed my child. They have given us hope.
Thank you Michele Reinkemeyer for all that you have done.